
The Late Night Snack - Yogurt Eyes

This episode we talk about the duality of mankind, sleeping with Angela Merkel, and findings eyes in your yogurt. That's a scary picture. MP3 File

God of the Gap

Happy holidays everyone.

The Late Night Snack - episode 012

This week we talk about ten MORE commandments, x rated candid camera, and the national security threat that is Yarn Bombing. Plus the conspiracy game takes a trip to the most evil place on the planet, the Denver International Airport. MP3 File

The Worst Spaceship Ever Designed for Film

The Rational Cranks is in the middle of the holiday rush.   Another episode of T he Late Night Snack is on its way, I promise.   Until then, ladies and gentlemen I present to you, my Sketchup model of the Alpha 7, from Barbarella .   This is my nomination for the WORSE spaceship ever designed for film.   It’s so bad that, it is unclear, in the move, as to which end is the front of the ship. It is so bad that when the ship is preparing to take off, those white spheres, on what I assume are the engines, begin to inflate and deflate in a pulsating rhythm like balloons, RUBBER BALLONS! It made me feel dirty to watch it.   It’s a good thing Jane Fonda was in the movie or else I don’t think I could have gotten through it.   Ironically, with wall to wall shag carpet, a mural of Seurat's Grande Jatte and Circus and a kinetic art computer named Alfie, this abomination contained the BEST spaceship cockpit ever designed for film.

The Late Night Snack - 011

What does rising sea levels mean to Miami Beach? Will the taxpayer have to pay more to save million dollar hotels or do we all get to go door to door in motor boats? The World is coming to an end, or is it?   MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - episode 010

This episode we discuss, James Bond, the Ten Commandments, and Francis the talking Highlander. We also have an exciting new conspiracy game - can you guess who is the Antichrist? And to our tens of listeners we need your help. Can anyone tell us what is in the breast pocket on the mummified body of Bertrand Russell? MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - episode 009

Piss Christ, Hagar the Horrible, and Candid Camera - this time the Late Night Snack talks about Art and Religion.   And what would prompt Rachel to say “You had me at glow-in-the-dark leotards?” MP3 File

THE LATE NIGHT SNACK - episode 008

If you were on trial would you be comfortable being judged by an all robot jury? MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - Episode 007

This episode we talk about the Amish, cheese doodles, Amelia Earhart being eaten by giant another addition of the Conspiracy Game. MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - episode 006

This week we talk about life choices, Another Earth, and what a truly wonderful man Scrooge McDuck was. MP3 File

THE LATE NIGHT SNACK - episode 001

We here at The Late Night Snack are not slaves to the suppressive corporate ideal that numbers should be used sequentially. To that end, we present episode 001 - that’s not confusing, right? In this episode we talk about the responsibility of the artist to society and other passionate crap - and another installment of The Conspiracy Game . MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - episode 004

This episode - dolphin conspiracies, the three stooges, gay marriage, chocolate, superheroes, Wall Street, sexy moms, and monkeys wearing swim trunks. MP3 File

Russell Crow and the Flood

A friend of mine posted on Facebook that he was looking forward to the upcoming Noah movie with Russell Crow. This got me thinking.   In that story, Noah is portrayed as a virtues man but in reality who is the hero there? Who is saved? Not the best of humanity, surely. If I was writing the movie this is a scene I might include: Imagine as the flood water begin to rise. The town’s people start realizing their mistake and many decide to make a run towards the ark. You can imagine a young mother with her child trudging through the mud, getting to the Ark and finding the gangplank has already been raised. In desperation she holds up her child toward the upper deck. “Please,” she cries, “I have sinned, I am not worthy. but at least save my baby.” As the rising waters begin to make the massive ship shift, Noah, standing at the rail, spots the young woman.   The water is now at her waist. My inspirational addition to the bible story would have Noah call out to his sons, “Quick fetch a rop

Saving The World - One New Podcast At A Time

The Rational Crank has been away for a while, but I have something new, a PODCAST.  Every few weeks or so, a few of my friends and I will get together over a late night dinner and chat about stuff - some overlooked news, some strange  ideas and some bad jokes.  We start with a conspiracy game and end by solving all the world's problems.  If you like this, let me know and tell a friend.  You can also leave a review on iTunes, Digg or your portal of choice.  Alright, honestly, I don't even know how to put this on iTunes, Digg or my portal of choice yet.  I don't even know what to call it.  One step at a time, ok.   Anyone know what an RSS feed is?    I would like to give a big thanks to all of my friends on the show.   I would also like to thank the podcasts that inspired me: the Skeptics Guide To the Universe , The Amateur Scientist , The Conspiracy Skeptic , The Dumbasses Guide to Knowledge , and Potter and Pals .   I freely admit stealing a little something

The Greatest Speech Ever Charlie Chaplin

In the movie The Great Dictator , Charlie Chaplin plays a poor Jewish shop keeper who just happens to resemble a ruthless dictator of a powerful fascist state.   Through a series of odd circumstances, Chaplin’s "Little Tramp" finds himself addressing a massive war rally, dressed as the tyrant.   This is one of Chaplin’s rare speaking roles.   In fact, in this entire movie, this is the only time Chaplin speaks at all.   Here is what he said:     


It has been two months since my last post. Forgive me. My mother just had open heart surgery and I am sure you will understand when I say my thoughts were not on this blog but elsewhere. She is in rehabilitation now and is progressing, albeit, slowly. I often say I do not want this blog to constantly be about religion, but this seems to be one of those moments when I feel my comments on the subject, carry some extra weight. As an Atheist, I must admit that it is moments like this, that I do believe religious people are more fortunate than nonbelievers (in at least one respect). It is hard being an Atheist and not having anyone to beg to. I can do nothing. Praying (or not praying) will not change the outcome of any surgery. I am left with nothing to do but sit outside the operating room and wait. I can call relatives up North, and keep them informed of my mother’s progress. I can console my nieces. I can (of course) try to take care of my father. I can make sure he is eating - try to ge

Here's To a Good 2012


The News You Hear as Background Noise as You Get on With Your Real Life

Here are the Top Ten GENERIC News Stories for 2011. Although this is a repost from 2010, for some reason, it continues to work. 1) A drunk (and/or high) celebrity had a meltdown, this year, outside his home (in a nightclub, on an airplane). Onlookers were shocked (not at all surprised) to hear the beloved movie star (TV actor, reality show contestant, presidential candidate), screaming curses and tossing racial slurs (shoes, angry birds) at his wife (girl friend, a male prostitute). Spokesperson for the celebrity said that the cause of the incident stemmed from a dosage problems the star was having with his medication. The celebrity has since checked into a rehab center and is in the processes of a complete lifestyle overhaul. 2) A Washington think-tank estimated that countless hours of productivity were lost this year, as millions tuned in to observe the sporting event (trial, political demonstrations, presidential debate) of the century. Many watched at their offices but even mo

A Hitchslap to Bill Bennett in Honor of Christopher Hitchens

While accidently watching the CBS Early Show this morning (because God knows I would never watch crap like that intentionally) conservative commentator, Bill Bennett, had this to say about the death of Christopher Hitchens “I hope, as the big Atheist he was, he is in for a big surprise.” Here is where I have a problem with some supposed “Christians” like Bennett. People like that might be able to produce a thought on occasion but their brains are incapable of following through on those thought. They are too unimaginative to realize that thoughts, if true, lead to conclusions and those conclusions should lead to consequences. Let me continue Bennett’s thought for him, since he seems too dim witted to do so himself. I hope as the Atheist that Hitchens was, that he is in for a big surprise… and that there is a god, because wouldn’t it be great if Hitchens (of whom just seconds before I said I enjoyed drinking and debating with) wouldn’t it be great if he burns in hell for all eternity.

Why Can't We Elect Someone Like This?

This was done by Eric August Weber.  Here is the site I got it from: