
The Late Night Snack - 015.5

  Not quite an episode, here is an update of the Earth Day Project we were talking about in the last episode. A new episode is coming out Saturday. Stay tuned. MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - 015

This episode the conspiracy game is all about aliens. And we talk about the art scene in Orlando and finish with a warehouse full of miniature shampoo bottles. MP3 File Brendan O'Connor and The Sit Project: Clean The World: Urban ReThink: Paper Mushrooms:

The Late Night Snack - 014

Our recent trip of New Orleans naturally leads to a discussion of The Conspiracy Game MP3 File

The Late Night Snack - Yogurt Eyes

This episode we talk about the duality of mankind, sleeping with Angela Merkel, and findings eyes in your yogurt. That's a scary picture. MP3 File

God of the Gap

Happy holidays everyone.

The Late Night Snack - episode 012

This week we talk about ten MORE commandments, x rated candid camera, and the national security threat that is Yarn Bombing. Plus the conspiracy game takes a trip to the most evil place on the planet, the Denver International Airport. MP3 File

The Worst Spaceship Ever Designed for Film

The Rational Cranks is in the middle of the holiday rush.   Another episode of T he Late Night Snack is on its way, I promise.   Until then, ladies and gentlemen I present to you, my Sketchup model of the Alpha 7, from Barbarella .   This is my nomination for the WORSE spaceship ever designed for film.   It’s so bad that, it is unclear, in the move, as to which end is the front of the ship. It is so bad that when the ship is preparing to take off, those white spheres, on what I assume are the engines, begin to inflate and deflate in a pulsating rhythm like balloons, RUBBER BALLONS! It made me feel dirty to watch it.   It’s a good thing Jane Fonda was in the movie or else I don’t think I could have gotten through it.   Ironically, with wall to wall shag carpet, a mural of Seurat's Grande Jatte and Circus and a kinetic art computer named Alfie, this abomination contained the BEST spaceship cockpit ever designed for film.